
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dame mas yoga please

But just as I know my yoga poses will change and shift as I get older and my body changes, I realize that things will change and shift as I enter new life phases. I’m new to this whole mommy job, and it makes sense that I would be a little over protective about this little being that I grew from scratch in my own body (can you believe that?!). As with anything, balance is key. And while this new responsibility is sure to take up lots of time and energy, I know that eventually I’ll have to find a way to squeeze in more of the things that energize and fuel me into the day too—like my yoga practice. But for now, I think I’ll just enjoy the fleeting moments when my daughter is a newborn and realize that self-care doesn’t always have to mean a long asana session, a massage, or even a hot shower—it can just as easily be a short nap cuddled up with someone you love. Because right now, there’s nothing else I’d rather do.

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